Behind the Scenes
A New Year a New Day
It sure does get plenty messy in here. And having carpet in a studio space is not something I would ever try again. I love that my feet are comfy and warm but the messes I make working with flowers and water and ingredients is not easy to clean at the end of the day.
Today I'm getting another set of flowers delivered and I'll be taking some photos of them. I'm not sure what ingredients I'll be trying out today but, knowing my client, It will be something exotic and colorful that smells delicious. But before all of that happens, I have to get this place back in shape so I can start fresh and clean.
It's a wrap!
Elizabeth and James
My DIY Shooting Table.
This right here is my attempt at completely illuminating my small product photography shooting table all around in an even fashion. This particular table is a small version available at Calumet Photo, the lights and stands are also from Calumet. The rest of it are parts and pieces from around my studio. Materials: Old clothing rack, 2x4, clamps and some screws.
What I wanted to do was to completely suspend the shooting surface in the air and light it from underneath. But when I realized that wasn't possible, I asked myself; Can I raise this surface high enough from the ground so that I can fit a light underneath it? Then I remember I had an old broken clothing rack that I had saved, along with some 2x4's. I got my tools and got to work. Most of the work was done for me by the clothing rack, all I had to do was fashion some legs out of the 2x4s figure out how to attach them in with the screws, and voila! The whole thing was sturdy enough to hold a 10lb mono light and the table that I think weighs about 10lbs also. I placed the shooting table on top, hung a light directly underneath it and the rest was a matter of styling the products and moving and adjusting the light till I got it completely right. After controlling a few variables, and adjusting my lights I was able to show some results.
The rest of it was just cleaning things up in photoshop and the image was ready to go.
Now will I use this table again? I don't think so, it's not sustainable over time as it is and I think it would cost less to buy a larger shooting table than it is to customize this little one. I sure did have a lot of fun putting it together and I believe the photos came out great!
Necessity Truly is the Mother of Invention.
Props to Style.
About to get started setting up the studio for tomorrow. I want to hit the ground running when I wake up so that I can start uploading pictures to the client by end of day. Super excited to be working with all these props.
Glitter on Bourbon
My babies. 5D1 and 5D3 and as always, plenty of extra memory cards.
I had two days of pure bliss, running around New Orleans shooting this lovely bohemian lifestyle editorial for La Bella Figura Beauty.
Elizabeth and James Style Out.
Rachel getting styled!
The multi-talented Edward Fong.
Day one of two! Off to a great start! It always feels like home when I come back to this office.
Quinn Shop Women
-Reviewing the images before continuing with round two of this amazing photoshoot for Quinn NYC.
Quinn Shop Men
About to start the day on this awesome photoshoot collaboration for Quinn NYC Men Spring 2014. Can't wait to see the final look-book, and the video shot by Greg Jesky.
Payne NYC
Making the space work has always been a good challenge. We had roughly 150 Square feet to use for this look book. So we made the best of it.
This look-book came together on a Monday afternoon at around 6pm. The makeup artist and hair stylist kept everything pretty simple and clean so that we can save time and focus on photographing. It was a big collection and we had to put our mind together to do it all simple and clean and we did it! I love working with this team, they are absolutely 100% on point with their detail, making my job that much easier. The model was a star, switching outfits faster and faster each time and as soon as we good into a rhythm, every look took a life of its own.
Good times :)