Empire Act
Empire State of Mind.
Fashion District, Manhattan
.sometimes i forget that am 20 stories off the ground and it gets cold up here sometimes in that knowledge. and this building shakes often and i wonder why, a sound structure over taking an entire nyc block. sometimes i even forget that there are 21 stories above me and i wonder why this place shakes. sometimes i forget the streets below are hollow with tunnels and i wonder why these tremors that i can clearly see in the water atop my desk? i wonder why this building shakes so often in the winter, is it expanding and contracting in the winds, is it the trains grinding steel deep down below, or the weight of its occupants shaking in anticipation of friday, i wonder why this building shakes so often on mondays, is it me? is it you?
Tempo Tiempo Time
It is of dissonance the dance and they move in the symphony.
Dying when another is born, as if to make room for a fresh dancer.
And a curse on their lips falls, and it hangs from them full of grace,
and grateful are those who walk with the gift of this curse on their lips.
Night Roaming Williamsburg
Feb. 21st, 2006 | 12:12 pm
What is it about the now that deserves my ignorance of the future?
and what of the past and its effects on the now.
what if everything was a state of mind?
Republica Dominicana | My Second Return
La Zona Colonial, Republica Dominicana.
What an amazing experience this was. I mean talk about history, it seems like the first everything in the Americas is in this country of mine. As a child, I lived very close to El Conde, and coming back here brought some amazing memories.
White Party
A perspective around a crowded table.
A little perspective on this table as we all gather around it. What games do we play before the party gets going, If you ask me the party is right here, these objects motionless as they experience the commotion around them. Time please slow down tonight.
A macro view of a paper towel on the floor.
⎯At the end of the night, at the end of the hallway, of this random place, this random noise, that seems to be everywhere. But here in this moment, here I am quiet, here everything is serene and I can be myself if only for a brief moment.
A New Shiny Day
Happy New Year!
It has been freezing, it’s been cold, it snowed a bunch recently but today it’s 12 degrees outside with no wind and abundant clear skies. Maybe one of my favorite types of days to explore this city. I got a camera with me, it’s brand new, and it is digital, and it is quite small. I’ve gone on a few walkabouts already trying to figure out the settings and what I could do with them and today was perfect for yet another try. Another brand new day to start all over again and reset.
Good times.
Brooklyn Bridge
ecalP kraP | Park Place Upside Down Perspective.
Animal Crossing
A Quick Detour to Paradise.
Today was a beautiful day, couldn't have been better. The weather was perfect when we got to the beach. It's hard to believe, so many people in this city, and it's just us here.
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