Elizabeth and James Style Out.
Rachel getting styled!
The multi-talented Edward Fong.
Day one of two! Off to a great start! It always feels like home when I come back to this office.
Some Holy Sky
⎯ What is this light that draws me near? This glory passing by leaves me Grace-full, bathing me in the heat of this moment, beneath the rays of this sun.
New Orleans - Part 1
This city has a soul like no other. Seems like I've lived here for a while and it's only been a month.
Quinn Shop Women
-Reviewing the images before continuing with round two of this amazing photoshoot for Quinn NYC.
Quinn Shop Men
About to start the day on this awesome photoshoot collaboration for Quinn NYC Men Spring 2014. Can't wait to see the final look-book, and the video shot by Greg Jesky.
Good Bye New York
-In a couple of days, I leave you New York City. But I'm taking you with me inside my heart.
I'll see you soon.
Payne NYC
Watching the skies
Tomorrow I have to leave this amazing view. So many times I came to this roof to watch the sun set. Who built you? And was it intentional that It would align its arches with the late summer sunset? I wanted to say my goodbyes to you bridge, to the landscape you shape, fueled by the ionic air of the Hudson breezing by. So much weight on you and beneath you and so steady your rock.
Goodbye, Washington Heights.
Patterson J Kincaid Behind the Scenes
-The team at it again.
Out in California for Patterson J Kincaid.
Johan Salvador for Peter Tom and Dave
Photography by: Johan Salvador
Styling by: Polar Buranasatit.